I just re-read the post about when to euthanize a dog on Ruffly Speaking, and though I've heard it before, she's a good writer, and puts it together well.
The most important thing, is to decide BEFORE your dog is old or sick, what gives him joy in life? You need to pick 3 things that give him the most pleasure, and if he gets to the point where he can do only one or none of those things anymore, it's time to let him go. If you decide before he gets sick, it's easier to have perspective later.
Since Bruno is in good health, I could pick his three things today:
1. Hunting (especially rodents in long grass)
2. Eating (especially cheese and liver and cookies)
3. Playing (especially ripping up kleenexes and tugging a rope)
If I could add a fourth and fifth, it would be going for walks, and greeting visitors. He gets very excited to do those things too.
Anyway, if at some point he gets to where he can still eat, but it hurts too much to walk, hunt, or play, I'll know it's time. Or if he will still go on walks, but has no enthusiasm for hunting or eating, I'll know it's time.
What are your dog's 3 things?
Rainy loves to play with her Hedge Hog, Eat Cherries, and boss us around - especially me.