Saturday, November 6, 2010


That's the percentage of people who apply for holiday temp jobs will actually get them, according to the CS Monitor.  There are 30 times more job seekers than jobs!  I've been thinking this whole job search thing I'm doing is an exercise in futility (I know you're thinking, welcome to the real world, kid!) and I'd be better off working on my art to try to sell something before Christmas.

I think I might go to plan B, which is: forget this job business. Beg family for money so I can go back to school and finish my degree. No monkeying around this time.

I could also try to get back into modeling, but since I've developed a distaste for it, that might be hard.   I am still getting hits every day on my modelmayhem profile, I think I could probably make some money pretty quick if I could get over being objectified by horny old men...

Somewhere along the line, I missed my train, it feels like. Everyone else my age is actually doing something, something way more cool than me (at least it feels that way...) 

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